Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Knitting as craft activity & I'm a Knitter!

Knitting is a craft activity. Arendt (1958) defines work as “the work of our hands as distinguished from the labour of our bodies” (p. 136). Through knitting I'm making something that will last for a time. It enables me to create the human world around me. I can use the things I knit to build my identity. If I wear a hat or jersey that I've made I am influencing my persona and in some way influencing the perceptions that people have of me. The part of the human world that relates to me is heavily influenced by knitting. This is the unique ambience of the activity of knitting. 

me the knitter......

Focusing on knitting in depth for this semester has changed the way I look at knitting. I had no idea that the knitting community was so vast. There are all sorts of knitters and they are not at all stereotypical. I have been introduced to the knitters vs non-knitters divide. As I learn more it feels nice to know that I am part of something and I didn't even know it! I am a knitter. Wow! That adds something important to my sense of who I am. It's like a role that I play in my life. Kielhofner (2008) states that the roles we perceive in ourselves become a part of our  understanding of who we are.  Discovering a new role that I have opens up heaps of new possibilities. I had never considered that I might enjoy reading knitting books but now I am really enjoying them. Some are so funny! Here is a piece of advice from one:

"If you find a non-knitter who thinks what you do is clever, beautiful and artistic; who never asks for knitted stuff but wears it with pride when you give it to him or her; and will help you carry home a whole fleece or a stack of stitch dictionaries without once implying that you might want to get a grip--marry that person." 
- Stephanie Pearl-Mcphee

Arendt, H. (1958). The human condition.Chicago: University of Chicago.

Kielhofner, G. (2008). Model of human occupation: Theory and application. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins

Pearl-McPhee, S. (2006). Knitting rules!: the yarn harlot's bag of knitting tricks. North Adams, MA: Storey Publishing.

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