Thursday, 8 September 2011

All About Knitting!

What is knitting like?
This is a hard question. At the most basic and practical level knitting is a process of using two sticks to twist yarn into a predetermined design. Sounds straightforward. But, when you get into it, knitting is not that simple. First there are many different ways to hold the needles. Then different ways to cast on. There are two main stitch types purl and knit and these are put together to create different patterns. Sometimes you knit into the front of the stitch and sometimes into the back. putting the wool around the needle, slipping a stitch across, knitting two or more stitches together or making new stitches all contribute to making interesting and novel patterns. Knitting can be for practical purposes, like knitting a jersey for warmth or for purely artistic reasons like knitting a pretty jersey for a show or competition.  

What does it mean to me?
Well..........I love knitting mainly because it keeps my hands busy while I'm doing other things like watching TV or talking to my friends. It is relaxing for me.  I also like the challenge of trying a new pattern and the sense of achievement that comes from the finished product. I enjoy being creative with colours and textures. Making things for other people is fun and I frequently give things that I've made away.

How can knitting be used in OT practice?
Knitting can be used as a therapeutic tool. People can have a chat while knitting and it gives them something to discuss. Having made something can give clients a sense of achievement. If clients find knitting meaningful to them it can be very useful to encourage increased engagement in meaningful occupation.

Practical Considerations
I have definitely got enough time to knit for two hours a week. I am going to start with a hat for my mother. i'm really looking forward to starting it too! 

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